Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hibiscus syriacus

[Hybiscus seriacus]

The name of this widely cultivated ornamental shrub implies that it has originated from Syria but it’s actually native to East Asia. South Koreans call it “immortal flower” and even consider it their national flower. No matter whether it’s from Syria or East Asia, it beautifies our garden every year and provides opportunities for photography.

Holargos: 2006, photo © Tony Taglides

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


BBB0978 [snail]

“Still too dry outside. I’d better wait for the rain to come.”

Mt. Falakro: 12/07/2009, photo © Tony Taglides

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sternbergia lutea

302_8941 [Sternbergia lutea]

Mt. Hymittos: 27/09/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cervus elaphus

BBB2052 [Cervus elaphus]

In spite of the forest fires on Mt. Parnitha a few years ago there are still more than 500 deer living on the mountain. They seem to have developed a friendly attitude toward human beings, especially if you have a tomato or an apple to offer them. If the apple looks big enough, they are willing to pose for you to take their portrait!

BBB2065 [Cervus elaphus]

Papa deer, with his characteristic deciduous antlers whose shape and length indicate his age. Whatever his age though, he’d rather lose the apple than come too close. After all, how can a deer with such beautiful ornaments on his head succumb to a temptation?

BBB2059 [Cervus elaphus]

Females are smaller than males and contrary to lonely males they graze in small herds. Young deer naturally follow their mothers and bear white spots that gradually disappear as the animal gets older.

Mt. Parnitha: 25/09/2009, photos © Tony Taglides

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paddling on gold

DSCN0909 [Paddling on gold]

Halkidiki, one of my favorite vacation spots, with its beautiful beaches and romantic sunsets, has often been my photographic paradise.

[Uploaded on request by and dedicated to my friend R. who seems to like the picture very much!]

Halkidiki: 08/07/2006, photo © Tony Taglides

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Observatory of Athens

BBB8336 [The observatory of Athens]
Athens: 27/08/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Osyris alba

BBB8620 Osyris alba

This small broomlike shrub - far from being attractive in its post flowering season - was used by the ancient Greeks in soap-making.

Mt. Hymittos: 07/09/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

DSCN_3855 [Osyris alba]

A close look at the shrub’s fruit which varies from 5 to 7 mm in length.

Mt. Hymittos: 08/10/2008, photo © Tony Taglides

Monday, September 20, 2010

Datura innoxia

BBB8514 [Datura innoxia]

Huge (11-20cm long), white, beautiful flowers that are deceptively innocent-looking. All parts of the plant contain high levels of poison, albeit considerably less than its “deadly cousin” Datura stramonium.

Holargos: 05/09/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Colchicum bivonae

BBB1877 [Colchicum bivonae]
Mt. Parnitha: 25/09/2009, photo © Tony Taglides

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Epilobium dodonaei

AAA3054 [Epilobium dodonaei]

One of the fifteen species of Epilobium found in Greece. A beautiful flower with four petals and eight stamens.

Mt. Oiti: 26/07/2008, photo © Tony Taglides

BBB8219 [Epilobium dodonaei]

In this photo nature seems to have made a mistake and produced an Epilobium with five petals. Yet, it’s still beautiful.

Mt. Parnassos: 18/08/2010, Photo © Tony Taglides

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ophrys speculum

DSC_7234 [Ophrys speculum]

Extra terrestrial creature or Asterix’ s cousin? Actually it’s a flower. It has a total length of less than 2 cm and is one of the most distinctive ophrys flowering in Greece. Its name “speculum” (= “Mirror” in Latin), describes the bluish, shiny part of the flower’s lip.

More pictures of Ophrys are to be posted when Ophrys start to appear on the ground. This one is posted out of turn and dedicated to my German friend F.E. as compensation for his patiently waiting for pictures of orchids. “Courage, dear F., time flies, so pictures of orchids are on the way!”

Evia: 28/03/2009, photo © Tony Taglides

Saturday, September 11, 2010


IMG_2745 green [Lion]

A friend's cat called "Lion"

IMG_2745 blue [Lion]

"Lion" wearing her ... blue contact lenses!

Nea Makri: 24/04/2005, photos © Tony Taglides

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cyclamen graecum

BBB8578 [Cyclamen graecum]

Early cyclamen quite often spring up in isolation, as if they were sent off to scout the area for appropriate weather conditions before other cyclamen are allowed to appear!

Mt. Hymittos: 06/09/2010

DSCN3807 [Cyclamen graecum]

A few days later we can enjoy the view of beautiful colonies of flowers.

Mt. Pentelikon: 10/10/2009

DSCN3421 [Cyclamen graecum]
Their heart-shaped leaves appear after the flowers have bloomed.

Mt. Hymittos: 05/01/2009, photos © Tony Taglides

Monday, September 6, 2010

Colchicum sfikasianum

BBB8544 [Colchicum sfikasianum]

BBB8557 [Colchicum sfikasianum]

Perhaps my most favorite flower. The reason? It’s simple. It blooms in early Fall and signifies the beginning of the new flower-shooting season for us wild flower shooters!

Mt. Hymittos 06/09/2010, photos © Tony Taglides

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Acropolis of Athens

BBB8325 [The Acropolis of Athens]

Sitting on Pnyx in the evening and looking at The Acropolis across is perhaps all you need to set out on an endless, insightful, journey into History.

Athens: 27/08/2010, Photo © Tony Taglides

Thursday, September 2, 2010


BBB0208 [Psiritsa]

A relative's cat called "Psiritsa"

Alepohori: 05/06/2009, © photo Tony Taglides

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nycticorax nycticorax

BBB7712 [Nycticorax nycticorax]
"Gosh! Aren’t I beautiful!"

[Any resemblance with Narcissus watching his own reflections in a pool of water is only ... coincidental!]

Kerkini: 6/6/2010, photo © Tony Taglides