Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pseudophilotes vicrama

BBB5819 [Pseudophilotes vicrama]

This butterfly was earlier known as Polyommatus vicrama. It is one of many similar species that are hard to tell one from the other. It flies fast and close to the ground, so taking a good picture of it is not always easy. Its wingspan varies from 20 to 25 mm. Males are blue on the upper part while females are brown.

Mt. Penteli: 13/04/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Thursday, October 28, 2010

“Seeing life in color”

“Seeing life in color” intentionally is a form of optimism!

Barcelona: 12/10/2006, photo © Tony Taglides

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A rose

DSCN4043 [rose]

I was walking along the pavement downtown Athens with a friend when I decided to click on the flower in order to show my friend how annoyingly long it takes my camera to save the picture on the memory card. And then, I clicked two more times on other roses. Saving time once again was too long as expected but the outcome convinced me that I should be tolerant and forgiving towards my camera! Here I’m sharing with you the outcome of the two clicks. The third one came out too blurry.

DSCN 4044 [rose]

Athens: 12/10/2010, photos © Tony Taglides

Monday, October 25, 2010


DSCN0884 [Tommie]
...gazing out toward the sunset.
Halkidiki: 06/07/2006, photo © Tony Taglides

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sternbergia lutea

302_9455 [Sternbergia lutea]
Mt. Hymittos: 08/10/2010, photo © Tony Taglides
301_3733 [Sternbergia lutea]

Mt. Hymittos: 08/10/2008, photo © Tony Taglides

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A bird that refuses to eat!

9356 [A bird that refuses to eat]

 "Not now, I’m full up. Thank you."

Viotia: 02/10/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum

9516 [Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum]

 Filopappou: 09/10/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lavatera bryoniifolia

BBB7753 [Lavatera bryoniifolia]

Kerkini: 06/06/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Monday, October 18, 2010

Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum

9722 [Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum]

 Mt. Hymittos: 17/10/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

9432 [Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum]

 Mt. Hymittos: 08/10/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Colchicum cupanii

9694 [Colchicum cupanii]
Mt. Hymittos: 15/10/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Crocus cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus

BBB9679 HF [Crocus cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus]
Mt. Hymittos: 15/10/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Friday, October 15, 2010

Colchicum cupanii

Flower collection item # 2729 [Colchicum cupanii]

Wide-spread in the Mediterranean countries, small (flowers up to 3cm in diameter), delicate and beautiful. Its dark purple anthers distinguish it from similar species.

Mt. Hymittos: 05/10/2008, photo © Tony Taglides

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


BBB4703 [Osteospermum]

After I had spent with no luck almost half a day wandering around and trying to find something interesting to shoot, I started my way back in disappointment when I nearly stumbled on this decorative osteospermum. Being almost exhausted, I indifferently pressed the trigger once and didn’t even care to look at the picture on the screen of the camera. It was only when I saw the picture on the computer screen that I noticed the looks of the flower.

Athens: 21/03/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Monday, October 11, 2010

Passiflora caerulea

BBB9128 HF [Passiflora caerulea]

Passiflora caerulea is widely cultivated mainly because of its intricate, scented flowers. If there is a supporting tree available, it can grow up to 20 m in height. Here is a very close look at the flower which can reach up to 10 cm in diameter.

Keratea: 28/09/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

Saturday, October 9, 2010


MG_5819 [Romanticism]

Tenerife: 10/09/2007, photo © Tony Taglides

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Larus michahellis 2

BBB2149 [Larus michahellis]

Two birds of Larus michahellis. As it becomes obvious from the color of the feathers and the beak, the one in flight is a young bird, while the one standing on the rock is a mature one. [See also post: Larus michahellis 1]

Photographed on Sounio on October 7, 2009

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Larus michahellis 1

BBB9140 [Larus michahellis]

Larus michahellis has a lifespan of up to 10 years. The bird in the photo is in its first winter. As it grows, the feathers on its back will become mid-grey and the beak will turn vivid yellow. So will the color of its legs, a fact that gives the bird its English name.
Photographed at Sounio on September 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Papilio machaon 3 (Caterpillar)

[Papilio machaon-larva]
Swallowtail’s caterpillars are extremely colorful; something that makes them easily spotted by their predators. On the other hand, extreme colors are a warning to birds that extremely colorful caterpillars are also extremely distasteful!

Up to 5 cm long.
Mt. Hymittos: 2007, © Tony Taglides

Monday, October 4, 2010

Papilio Machaon 2

BBB8920 [Papilio Machaon]

Butterflies often visit our garden; I know that for fact. What I really don’t know and I’m trying to figure out is if they come because they like our flowers or because they want to be photographed and uploaded to my blog!☺☺☺

Holargos: 27/09/2010, Photo © Tony Taglides

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Papilio Machaon 1

BBB8913 [Papilio Machaon]

Holargos: 27/09/2010, Photo © Tony Taglides