Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Colutea arborescens

CCC_8419 [Colutea arborescens]

 … and here's a shot of the fruit of Colutea arborescens.

Mt. Parnitha: 23/05/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Colutea arborescens

CCC_8409 [Colutea arborescens]

Colutea arborescens is a shrub. Here a close up shot of its flowers.

Mt. Parnitha: 23/05/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Opuntia ficus-Indica

IMG_0815: Opuntia ficus-Indica

Alepohori: 30/05/2011, photo © Tony Taglides

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ornithogalum nutans

IMG_0904 [Ornithogalum nutans]

Schinias: 27/03/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Saturday, May 19, 2012


CCC_6638 [Andros Panoramic]

A note for our foreign friends who may not be familiar with geography of Greece: Andros is the capital town of the island of Andros which is situated in Cyclades, a complex of Greek islands.

Click photo for a larger view.

Andros: 26/03/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lavandula stoechas

CCC_6665 [Lavandula stoechas]

Andros: 25/03/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Onosma frutescens

CCC_7671 [Onosma frutescens]

Mt. Hymittos: 28/04/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tulipa australis

IMG_0969 [Tulipa australis]

Mt. Hymittos: 14/04/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Friday, May 11, 2012

Orchis anthropophora

CCC2257 [Orchis anthropophora]

Mt. Hymittos: 02/04/2011, © Tony Taglides

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ophrys speculum

CCC_7158-2a [Ophrys speculum]

Dilesi: 07/04/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Monday, May 7, 2012

Neotinea tridentata

CCC_7123 [Neotinea tridentata]

Dilesi: 07/04/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Asphodeline lutea

CCC_7657 [Asphodeline lutea]

Mt. Hymittos: 28/04/2012, photo © Tony Taglides

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Matthiola fruticulosa

CCC_7482 [Matthiola fruticulosa]

Athens: 21/04/2012, photo © Tony Taglides