Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ophrys leochroma

DDD-1047 [Ophrys leochroma]
Mt. Hymittos: 25/2/2013, photo by Tony Taglides

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Anacamptis collina

DDD_1016 [Anacamptis collina]
Mt. Egaleo:  20/02/2013, photo by Tony Taglides

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Entoloma hirtipes

IMG_1225 [Entoloma hirtipes]

Mt. Hymittos: 31/01/2013, photo by Tony Taglides

Friday, February 15, 2013

Spring ante portas!

DDD_0390HDR [Spring ante portas!]
Click photo for a larger view.

Holargos: 11/02/2013, photo by Tony Taglides

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pattern on the Pavement

IMG_0028 [Pattern on the Pavement]
Standing on the pavement in a beautiful village of Central Greece, I noticed there was a pattern under my feet. Not having my camera with me, I made use of my mobile phone and took the picture. Later, I slightly straightened the crooked image with software to emphasize the pattern.
Central Greece: 08/02/2009, photo by Tony Taglides

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ophrys fusca

DDD_0810 [Ophrys fusca]
Click photo for a larger view.

Hymittos: 31/01/2013, photo by Tony Taglides

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Neotinea lactea

DDD_0867 [Neotinea lactea]
Click photo for a larger view.

Mt. Egaleo: 02/02/2013, photo by Tony Taglides