Saturday, December 28, 2013

a rose

DSCN1218 [a rose]

Photographed in Halkidiki on July 18, 2006

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lepista nuda

8011552 [Lepista nuda]

8011554-2 [Lepista nuda]

Both photographed in Lavrio on December 10, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ruscus aculeatus

8011370-2 [Ruscus aculeatus]

8011374-2a [Ruscus aculeatus]

Both photographed on Mt. Hymittos on November 13, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Passiflora caerulea

_8011071-2F [Passiflora caerulea]

Photographed in Keratea on October 27, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sternbergia lutea

_8010908-2 [Sternbergia lutea]

Photographed on Mt. Penteli on October 13, 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Narcissus serotinus

_8011497 [narcissus serotinus]

Photographed in Lavrio on November 23, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pancratium maritimum

 _8010193-2 [Pancratium maritimum]

Photographed near Sounio on September 6, 2013


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Colchicum atticum

_8011394-2 [Colchicum atticum]

Photographed on Mt. Penteli on November 21, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Crocus laevigatus

_8011177 [Crocus laevigatus]

_8011188 HF [Crocus laevigatus]

Both photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 29, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Galanthus reginae-olgae

_8011341 [Galanthus reginae-olgae]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on November 13, 2013

DSCN4152a [Galanthus reginae-olgae]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on November 07, 2010

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Erica manipuliflora

AAA3457a-2 [Erica manipulifolia]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 29, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Crocus pallasii

_8011145 [Crocus pallasii]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 29, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Temple of Olympian Zeus

8010654 [The Temple of Olympian Zeus]

Photographed on October 2, 2013

The Temple of Olympian Zeus is a colossal ruined temple in the center of Athens that was dedicated to Zeus, the Father of the Olympian gods and of all men. Its construction began in the 6th century BC but it was completed 638 years later! It was planned to be the greatest temple in the ancient word built on a platform of 41x108m with a total of 104 columns that would stand 17m high and 2m in diameter! At its short-lived glory it housed a huge gold and ivory statue of Zeus BUT ... An interesting story - good to know - but I'm afraid this blog is not the best place for detailed information.

CCC_9487-2 [The Temple of Olympian Zeus]

Photographed from the Acropolis on September 17, 2012

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crocus cartwrightianus

_8011110 [Crocus cartwrightianus]

Photographed on Mt. Paneio on October 27, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Colchicum cupanii

_8011035-2-2 [Colchicum cupanii]
Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 25, 2013

BBB9894 [Colchicum cupanii]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 17, 2010

Friday, October 25, 2013

Spiranthes spiralis

8010887 [Spiranthes spiralis]

Photographed on Mt. Penteli on October 13, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mantis religiosa

-8010873 [Praying mantis]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 8, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Palm trees

8010634 [Palm trees]

Photographed in the National Gardens of Athens on September 28, 1013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Crocus cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus

8010680 [Crocus cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 8, 2013

Allium achaium

DDD3184 [Allium achaium]

Photographed om Mt. Oiti on August 10, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum

8010831 [Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum]

Photographed on Filopappou Hill on October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Solanum eleagnifolium

1TT0564 [Solanum eleagnifolium]

Photographed in Holargos on September 25, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Silene graeca

DDD3096 [Silene graeca]

Photographed on Mt. Oiti on August 10, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Temple of Aphaia

DDD3455 [Temple of Aphaia]
  Seen from East

 The Temple of Aphaia stands on a hill in the north-eastern part of the Greek island of Aegina. It is interesting to know that its location forms an isosceles triangle with the Parthenon in Athens and the Temple of Poseidon at Sounio. The Temple was originally built in the 8th century BC and rebuilt in 560 BC but in the pictures here we see its 3rd construction that has been standing there since about 500 BC. It was dedicated to a Cretan goddess and was wealthily decorated with sculptures that one can see today in the Munich Glyptothek.

DDD3465 [Temple of Aphaia]

Seen fom West

Photographed in Aegina on August 30, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Colchicum sfikasianum

1TT0459 [Colchicum sfikasianum]

1TT0463 [Colchicum sfikasianum]

Both photographed on Mt. Hymittos on September 19, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Colchicum lingulatum

1TT0352 [Colchicum lingulatum]

Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on September 15, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Colchicum bivonae

1TT0427 [Colchicum bivonae]

Colchicum bivonae is one of the few plants that flower in early September. They denote the beginning of Autumn and the beginning of the new shooting season for flower photographers.

Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on September 16, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

"Lost and Found"

IMG_0140 [Lost and Found]
This basketball was presumably "lost" on a slope of Mt. Hymittos
but it declares in its own way that nevertheless it's still happy!

Found and photographed on Mt. Hymittos on April 26, 2011

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hirundo rustica

DDD_1568 [Hirundo rustica]
A couple of swallows - our familiar summer visitors - looking for a drop of water in an almost dry puddle
in order to quench their thirst.

Photographed near Dilesi on April 6, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Centaurea affinis

DDD3155 [Centaurea affinis]

Photographed on Mt. Oiti on August 10, 2013

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Asphodeline liburnica

DDD3323 [Asphodeline liburnica]

Photographed on Mt. Oiti on August 10, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Edraianthus parnassicus

DDD3216 [Edraianthus parnassicus]

Photographed on Mt. Oiti on August 10, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Verbascum speciosus ssp. megaphlomos

DDD3236 [Verbascum speciosum ssp. megaphlomos]

Photographed on Mt. Oiti on August 10, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

Borago officinalis

DDD_2162 [Borago officinalis]

Photographed on Mt. Egaleo on April 23, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

Ichthyosaura alpestris

DDD3245 [Ichthyosaura alpestris]

An amphibian creature - relative to Salamandra - in a forest pond at an altitude of 1800m.

Photographed on Mt. Oiti on August 10, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Trachemys scripta elegans

CCC_9761 [Trachemys scripta elegans]

This turtle of American origin spends most of its time in the water but it likes to leave the water and bask in the sun on a sunny day. It is usually found in slow moving rivers, streams and ponds.

Photographed in Athens zoo on September 19, 2012

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A moth (sp.?)

DDD_2117 [moth]

Dimensions: 20mm x 45mm

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on April 20, 2013

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cervus elaphus

DDD_1914 [Cervus elaphus]

For life facts relating to Cervus elaphus and for a relative video posted earlier on this blog
please click here.

Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on April 13, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Charadrius alexandrinus

CCC1550 [Charadrius alexandrinus]

Photographed in Oropos on Feb. 10, 2011

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

“A New Kitten on the Block”!

DDD2640 [kitten]

This kitten,whose eyes were closed until a few days ago, is a new resident in our block of flats. Inexperienced of our world, she's curiously looking into something that people call "photographic lens".

Photographed in Holargos on May 24, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Egretta garzetta

DDD2773 [Egretta garzetta]

A member of the Greek Ornithological Society is releasing an Egretta garzetta after it was treated for health problems by the loving hands of the Society's members.

The bird, being inactive for quite some time, is testing its wings to make sure it can trust them before it flies
to freedom again.

Congratulations to the Society and a very warm Thank you for the noble work they are doing!

Photographed in Vravrona on June 6, 2013