Friday, January 29, 2016

Artemision Jockey (detail)

_801202 [Artemision Jockey (detail)

In December 2014 I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend a guided tour to a photographic exhibition held within the National Archaeological Museum of Greece in Athens. The tour was conducted by the well-known American photographer and ardent philhellene J. Joshua Garrick who guided visitors to his photographic work of selected museum exhibits. The photographer not only provided a wealth of information on ancient Greek art but also led a tour that proved to be a crash course in innovative photography! Thank you Joshua. Days after the tour I couldn’t stop thinking of what the artist had shared with us and was tempted to replicate one or two of his admirable works. Eventually, I succumbed to temptation. The picture above is the outcome of my attempt to photographically approach this exhibit [Artemision Jockey, here] through Joshua’s eyes.

Photographed within the National Archaeological Museum in Athens [here] on January 18, 2014

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Crocus nivalis

AAA5304 [Crocus nivalis]

Photographed in Anthusa on January 2009

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A mosque

_MG_5927 [a mosque]

One of the many mosques a visitor can see in The United Arab Emirates.
This one was almost in the middle of the desert by the road that leads from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. It was photographed from within the coach taking our group to Abu Dhabi.

Photographed on November 21, 2007

Friday, January 1, 2016

Nature's modern art

801_3732 [Biscutella didyma]

The seeds of the above plant [Biscutella didyma] are normally less than 2 cm wide.
In the photo above they were deliberately blown up so that details become more visible.

Photographed in Paiania, Attica, on April 02, 2014