Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Himantoglossum robertianum

802_8124 [Himantoglossum robertianum]

Photographed in Lavrio on March 14, 2017

802_8138 [Himantoglossum robertianum]

 A close-up shot taken to reveal details

Photographed in Lavrio on March 14, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Romulea linaresii ssp. graeca

802_8062 HF [Romulea linaresii ssp.graeca]

 Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on March 02, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Iris attica

802_8076 [Iris attica]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on March 02, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The east pediment of the Parthenon

_801299 [The east pediment of the Parthenon]

The sculptural arrangement on the east pediment of the Parthenon, [see above], is based on a theme that derives from the Greek mythology. It narrates the birth of Athena [the goddess of wisdom] from the head of her father, Zeus [the father of all gods]. How it happened is well described below:

“[So,] according to [Greek] mythology Zeus gave birth to Athena after a terrible headache prompted him to summon for Hephaestus’ [the god of fire and the forge] assistance. To alleviate the pain, he ordered Hephaestus to strike him with his forging hammer, and when he did, Zeus' head split open and out popped the goddess Athena in full armour.”


In the center of the composition above one can see Zeus sitting on his throne, and Athena, fully grown and armored, standing in front of her father, while many other gods on both sides of the composition are witnessing Athena's miraculous birth.

Photographed in the Acropolis museum in Athens on January 30, 2014
and then

heavily processed in software to eliminate unpleasant window reflections and to give prominence to the figures.


Please click on the picture for a better view.
let your imagination travel 25 centuries back 

– when the Parthenon was first opened to the public – 
and “see” the beauty of the original statues not only on the east pediment
but also of those on the west pediment that will be uploaded soon.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Theba pisana aestivating

802_5928-2 [Theba pisana aestivating]

Photographed at Schinias on May 10, 2016

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Parthenon

CCC_9483-2 [The Parthenon]

The Parthenon on the Acropolis, as seen from East.
The couple in the picture seem to be commenting on the destroyed pediment that used to host magnificent statues.

A representation of the statues will be uploaded soon.

Photographed in Athens on September 17, 2012