Saturday, April 27, 2019


SCCN0180 [Anglers]

Strolling along the sea front in Thessaloniki late one afternoon, I came across this bunch of anglers who, in parallel with their fishing, they were each doing whatever their soul desired. I hope at some point in time they also noticed and enjoyed the beautiful sunset in the distance.

Next to the anglers there was an unattended fishing rod [not seen in the picture above] waiting for a fish to bite. I found its reel inviting, so I took the picture below.

Please click on the picture above for a better view.

DSCN0168 [Fishing reel}

Both photographed in Thessaloniki on June 24, 2004 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Consolida hispanica

304_6211 [Consolida hispanica]

Photographed at Dilesi on April 10, 2018

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Orchis quadripunctata

IMG_7101 [Orchis quadripunctata]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on March 27, 2019

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Ophrys schlechteriana

803_1142 [Ophrys schlechteriana]

 Photographed at Dilesi 0n April 09, 2018