Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Holy Trinity Chapel

801_9506 [Holy Trinity Chapel]

This beautiful little chapel, found at a height of 600 meters on Mt Parnitha, is located in an environmentally privileged area and constitutes a highlight of Ippokrateios Politeia: A community of 1000 people lives permanently there in more than 600 houses. This chapel occasionally hosts under its roof believers from this community and certainly constitutes a highlight for crowds of visitors who come here in search of natural beauty.

The interior

801_9525 [Holy Trinity, the interior]

IMHO, the view of the interior is rather disappointing. It stands between simplicity and … lack of interest. It would be nice, I think, to see some changes for the better some time.

A structure nearby

801_9511 [Holy Trinity, a structure nearby]

Opposite the entrance to the chapel - only a few meters away - one can see an elegant little structure that offers fresh water to the passers-by. If close enough, they can read an inscription on its face that reads:


It’s a Greek phrase that can be read from left to right or from right to left and means:
“Wash off your sins. Don't wash your face only”.

All photographed on Mt. Parnitha on April 30, 2015

Please click on the pictures for a better view.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sternbergia lutea

803_5617 [Sternbergia lutea]

Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 16, 2019

301_3969 [Sternbergia lutea]

Photographed at Grammatiko on October 15, 2008

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Beauty in Simplicity

IMG_5633 [Beauty in Simplicity]

This little chapel is dedicated to St. Nicholas who is considered by the Greeks to be the patron saint of all seamen. It stands on a cliff near the port of Rafina and overlooks all ships moving in and out day and night.
See picture below.

Photographed at Rafina on May 29, 2018

[Rafina - Myconos!]

Photographed at Rafina on August 21, 2016

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Colchicum bivonae

803_5438 [Colchicum bivonae]

803_5437 [Colchicum bivonae]

803_5486 [Colchicum bivonae]

302_1967 [Colchicum bivonae]

An early flowering colchicum: end of August to early November.
Beautiful, poisonous, cup-like, attracts your attention even from a distance. My favorite.

All photographed on Mt. Parnitha on September 27, 2019

For a n older post with a slide show of bivonae please click HERE.