Saturday, March 27, 2021

Himantoglossum robertianum

IMG_9052 [Himantoglossum robertianum]

This is the only Himantoglosum robertianum I managed to find and photograph so far this year because of the Covid-19 lockdown and the applied restrictions in moving around.
It doesn’t seem to be fully developed and certainly not the most presentable flower but under the circumstances, I considered it a welcome find. 
Here follow two cropped sections of the same plant that reveal details.
IMG_9052 cr1

IMG_9052 cr2

Photographed at the foot of Mt. Hymittos on march 10, 2021
Please click on the pictures for a better view.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Strolling in the portico

303_9509 [Strolling in the portico]

The two ladies in the picture seem to have just completed their visit to the museum in the Stoa of Attalos and decided that a leisurely walk along the pillars of the portico was what they needed in order to relax and re-think of what they had seen. 
The portico is part of the Stoa of Attalos.
The Stoa of Attalos
303_9498 [Stoa of Attalos]

 The Stoa of Attalos is a long building, 115 by 20 meters, made of marble and is located inside the archeological site at the foot of the Acropolis.
It houses the Museum of Ancient Agora. 
Both pictures were taken on September 17, 2012. 
Please click on the pictures for a better view.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Garrulus glandarius

300_6971 [Garrulus glandarius]
This impressive bird is usually found in wooded areas and sometimes parks and large gardens throughout most of Europe. Surprisingly, however, this morning it came to our small home garden where I grabbed the opportunity to take the picture.
It feeds on insects, seeds and especially acorns that it seems to like most. In Autumn it collects as many acorns as it can find and buries then in the ground to eat them in harsh winter days and perhaps in Spring!
Mature birds vary in length from 32 to 37 cm.
Photographed from the balcony of our apartment in Holargos on March 6, 2021.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Fountain of the Lions

302_1280 [Fountail of the Lions]

The head of a lion.
Figures like this, pouring water through their mouth, decorate fountains in numerous parts of the world. Curious to know where this one was found? Follow your imagination to Italy, … to Rome, … to Plazza del Popolo, … to the Obelisk in the center of the Plazza, … and look at the base of the Obelisk. Four similar lions stand there, each one on a small pyramid and constitute the Fountain of the Lions: A piece of work designed by the Italian architect Valadier in 1823. 
For a nice view of the Plazza itself please click here (Wikipedia).
Photographed on August 17, 2009