Saturday, September 25, 2021

An Amphora

801_1932 [Amphora]
This monumental amphora was found in Kerameikos cemetery, very close to the Acropolis of Athens, and is exhibited in the National Archeological Museum in Athens. It dates back to 760-750 B.C. 
Impressive dimensions (approximately 125cm x 60cm) and an interesting, painted scene of people.
See below. 
801_1932 [scene]

Please click on the photo for a better view.
The scene shows a funeral of that time. The dead person is depicted lying on the deathbed in the middle of the scene, while men, women and a child around it all lament with the hands on their heads, the mourning gesture of those days.
Photographed in Athens on January 18, 2014

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Colchicum sfikasianum

803_9241 [Colchicum sfikasianum]

803_9242 [Colchicum sfikasianum]

This species of Colchicum is endemic to Mt Hymittos, to the island of Kefalonia and to SE Peloponissos.
Together with cyclamen it denotes the beginning of a new photographic period for flower photographers in Greece. So, I let my heart rejoice!
Both photographed on Mt. Hymittos on September 13, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Cervus elaphus

802_6745 [Cervus elaphus]

A male Cervus elaphus, proud of its antlers
By the way, 
  • “Antlers are shed and regrown each year and function primarily as objects of sexual attraction and as weapons in fights between males for control of harems.”
  • “They start growing in the spring and are shed each year, usually at the end of winter."
  • "Antlers typically measure 71 cm (28 in) in total length and weigh 1 kg (2.2 lb.), although large ones can grow to 115 cm (45 in) and weigh 5 kg (11 lb.)”. [Source: Wikipedia]
Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on September 05, 201

Saturday, September 4, 2021


803_6431 [caterpillar]

803_6434 [caterpillar]

 I discovered this 2.5 cm long caterpillar on the leaves of a plant on the balcony of my apartment.
I believe it’ll turn into a moth but I wonder which one. Any experts out there who could give us a hand? 
It was photographed in Holargos on June 29, 2020