Saturday, October 30, 2021

Spiranthes spiralis

803_9402 [Spiranthes spiralis]

803_9408 [Spiranthes spiralis]

803_9408 [Spiranthes spiralis]

A charming little orchid that is widespread across the Mediterranean in heights up to 1400m. It appears in August to November. Its tiny white flowers that are born in a spiral row up the stem provide the name to the flower.
All photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 20, 2021

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sternbergia lutea

803_9453 [Sternbergia lutea]

803_9444 [Sternbergia lutea]

A crocus-like flower usually found in stony slopes between late August and early November. Widespread in Greece and often cultivated as a decorative plant. 
Both photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 20, 2021

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Cyclamen hederifolium

DSCN2950 [Cyclamen hederifolium]
This wild species of cyclamen is widespread in mainland Greece and the Aegean islands but it is also wildly cultivated for its beautiful and fragrant flowers that come in shades of pink to (rarely) white.
It blooms from September to October in shady areas on heights of 100-1400m.
Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on October 18, 2008

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Colchicum bivonae

802_6733 [Colchicum bivonae]

Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on September 05, 2016

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Sunset at OAKA

803_5181 [Sunset at OAKA]
I had gone to this place with a specific photographic project in mind but I was faced with adverse conditions that rendered the project impossible to carry out. The long metal “tunnel”, designed by the architect S. Calatrava for the 2004 Olympic games in Athens, provided me with an alternative project: to experiment using the hyperfocal distance in an attempt to achieve maximum depth of field. Indeed, I focused at 122cm and, to my surprise, I found the outcome more than encouraging. Not bad for a beginning, I think.
[The sunset was only a 'by-product' here.]
Photographed in Athens on September 03, 2019.
Please click on the picture to have a better view.