Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fritillaria euboeica

301_7287 [Fritillaria euboica]

301_7281 [Fritillaria euboica]

Fritillaria euboeica is endemic to mountains of Central and North Evoia.
It flowers from the end of February to April included, at heights between 700 and 1700 m. However, both these photos were taken at a height of about 100 m.
Experts believe that the total number of existing mature individuals is gradually diminishing and that fewer than 1500 individual plants have been left. This is why the species is included in the Red Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece (Patra 2009) and is considered a “vulnerable” species.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Anacamptis collina

302_5157 [Anacamptis collina]

This wild orchid was "standing upright" on a high hill - enjoying the view around - in the beautiful island of Irakleia in Cyclades where it was photographed on March 27, 2010 
It is native to Mediterranean countries but in Greece it is a rare species, with sparsely, localized populations in the Cyclades islands, Crete and Central Peloponnese.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Fritillaria obliqua

IMG_0806 [Fritillaria obliqua]

Fritillaria obliqua is a rare flower endemic to Attica and Evoia where it grows in very small populations and for various reasons it is threatened with extinction. This is the reason why it is included in the “Red Book of the Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece” and is protected by Law.
It blooms from early February to early April at altitudes from sea level to 1000 m.
mostly on rocky sites with sparse bushy vegetation.
Photographed at Schinias on February 20, 2011 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Iris tuberosa

801_9015 [Iris tuberosa]

This flower is native to Northern Mediterranean countries like Greece, Albania, Italy and France. In Greece it is found in grassy habitats in heights up to 1500m. It flowers from February to April. 
Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on March 30, 2015
303_1740 [Iris tuberosa]

 A closeup picture showing the interior of the flower.
The photo was taken near Grammatiko (Attica) on February 20, 2011