Saturday, June 25, 2022

Liliun chalcedonicum

301_2923 [Lilium chalcedonicum]
This is one of five native lilies in Greece.
It can be found on mountains from Peloponnese to Southern Albania.
The spectacular scarlet flowers of this lilium appear rather late, usually in July.
The picture was taken on Mt. Taygetos in Peloponnese.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Erithacus rubecula

304_4182 [Erithacus rubecula]

303_5921 [Erithacus rubecula]
The bird in the upper picture looks bigger than it is. In reality, it is slightly smaller than the well-known sparrow which we are familiar with.
It is very common and widespread throughout Europe and nests in forests, bushy areas, parks and gardens. Not very social in its own “society”, as it is always found isolated and never in groups. It builds its nest usually in the ground, in holes or on bushes.
Its name refers to the distinctive orange-red color on its head and breast.
Both pictures were taken on Mt. Hymittos.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Campanula spatulata

IMG_1033 [Campanula spatulata}

Photographed on Mt. Elikonas 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Ophrys delphinensis

304_2182 [Ophrys delphinensis]

This Ophrys is endemic to Greece and particularly
around the Korinthian Gulf and on some areas of Evia.
Photographed on Mt. Geraneia