Saturday, October 29, 2022

Colchicum cupanii

302_2394 [Colchicum cupanii]

Colchicum cupanii is a bulbous plant widespread in Mediterranean countries. Its bulbs are poisonous.
It gets up to 10 cm in height while its flowers are about 3 cm wide. 
Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 08, 2022

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Sternbergia lutea

IMG_1251 [Sternbergia lutea]

A low to short, 40-50mm long flower that looks like a crocus.
It grows from August to October on rocky and grassy slopes, and
generally, on hills and low mountains in the Mediterranean region.
The picture above was taken at the foot of the Acropolis in October 2022.
IMG_1218 [Sterbergia lutea]
It grows solitary (see above) or in open clusters (see below).
IMG_1222 [Sternbergia lutea]
The last two pictures were taken on Mt. Hymittos in October 2022.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Lotus edulis

DSCN2952 [Lotus edulis]
A Mediterranean plant widely distributed in Greece.
It is a low plant that sprawls up to 30 cm long on the ground and reaches a height of 30-40 cm.
It grows in cultivated fields, roadsides and rocky habitats in altitudes usually up to 300 m.
 However, the picture above was taken at a height of about 700-800 on Mt. Parnitha.
It flowers in Spring but surprisingly enough it was photographed on October 18 (2008)

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Anser anser

302_4663 [Anser anser]
This grey goose is the direct ancestor of the domestic goose.
It was photographed in “Tritsi’s Park” in Athens on March 21, 2010
304_3971 [Anser anser]

Photographed on lake Beletsi on Mt. Parnitha on February 26, 2014

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Parental support

302_4690 [Parental support]

I was looking for flowers to photograph in Tritsis’ Park in Athens
when I saw this father to be helping her daughter
to keep her balance along the deserted railway lines. 
Symbolic of his parental support to the end of her life?
Photographed in March 2010