Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pica Pica

IMG_1242 [Pica pica]

A striking, black and white, easy recognizable bird that flies all over Europe.
 Although it is a sociable bird, this was the first time a Pica let me approach it that close and take the shot.
Photographed on Philopappou Hill, opposite the Acropolis, in Athens on October 12, 2022 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Crocus cartwrightianus

IMG_6363 [Crocus cartwrightianus]

Crocus cartwrightianus from Mt. Hymittos.
It was photographed on October 31, 2022

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Crocus pallasii

IMG_1330 [Crocus pallasii]
Crocus pallasii flowers from October to November usually on stony areas and in thin shrub
in countries from the Balcan to Iran.
In Greece, until a few years ago, it was believed to grow only on the East Aegean Islands
but now it is known to have been recorded on the Greek mainland as well.
Color-wise, it comes in all shades of lilac.
It was photographed on Mt. Hymittos on October 27, 2022.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum

803_0327 [Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum]

803_0329 [Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum]
This perennial flower is widespread in stony grounds of Mediteranean regions.
It appears, without leaves, from July to November.
Photographed on Philopappou Hill, opposite the Acropolis, on October 12, 2022
302_9538 [Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum]

 The leaves appear before or after the flower (= spathe and spadix).
This picture was taken on Mt. Hymittos on October 15, 2010