Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!

_MG_5367 [Wishes]

"M e r r y  C h r i s t m a s !


A Happy New Year!"

from Tagton the blogger

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Ephedra phoeminea

IMG_1332 [Ephoedra phoeminea]

Ephedra foeminea is a perennial shrub found on rocky slopes at heights of up to 1000 meters.
It usually climbs on other plants
but its green - or reddish - thin and flexible shoots seem to be hanging
from the top of a plant towards the ground.
Its red fruits provide an impressive sight.
Photographed on Mt Hymittos on October 27, 2022
804_0527 [Ephedra phoeminea]

 A closeup photo of Ephedra’s fruit. It’s 6-8mm wide.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Pyracantha coccinea

IMG_0962 [Pyracantha coccinea]

This evergreen thorny shrub grows in countries of southern Europe and western Asia
not only in the wild but also in gardens and hedges in urban areas.
Beware of the thorns!
804_0514 [Pyracantha coccinea]
Pyracantha’s (fruit-) berries are bitter and astringent.
They may look like big tomatoes in this closeup picture
but they are actually only 6-7 mm wide.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Ficus carica

IMG_1304 [Ficus carica]
Ficus carica: Our well-known fig tree.
I found it standing at the side of a road on Mt. Hymittos. It was “dressed” in its autumn colors 
and was creating a striking contrast with the all-green environment around.
It had no figs to offer. Only a strong “color coded message” that we were heading to the center of Winter. 
IMG_1307 [Ficus carica]

One of its lowest branches.

IMG_1309 [Ficus carica]

Four leaves at the foot of the tree seemed to refuse to accept
that Winter was unavoidably coming.
Photographed on October 27, 2022