Saturday, June 24, 2023

Cephalanthera rubra

IMG_4052 [Cephalanthera rubra]

Cephalanthera rubra is a slender, tall (up to 40cm), perennial wild orchid
mainly found in Europe, North Africa and southwest Asia.
In Greece it is found in forest clearings, forest roadsides, and generally in shady, dry places
at altitudes up to 2,000 meters. 
Its flowers are bright pink, the reason why it is called “rubra”,
but in rare occasions they are white.
The pictures were taken on Mt. Parnitha
at the end of June in 2017 and 2011.
IMG_1204 [Cephalanthera rubra]

IMG_1190 [Cephalanthera rubra]

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Campanula celsii subsp. celsii

801_4877 [Campanula celsii]
Campanula celsii (subsp. celsii) is a biennial plant endemic to Attica (Greece)
and to the surrounding areas.
During the first year of its life, it develops a rosette of leaves at its base
and in the second year it develops its branches
with a plethora of violet tubular flowers of about 3cm in length.
It grows in crevices and gaps of rocks at heights from sea level to 700m
from late April to early July.
The picture was taken on Mt. Hymittos on May 06, 2014
801_4240 [Campanula celsii]

 From Mt. Geraneia, April 12, 2014

801_4877 [Campanula celsii]

A rosette of base leaves as they have developed in the first year of the plant’s life.
From Mt. Hymittos, May 06, 2014

301_0588 [Campanula celsii]

The flowers here may seem to be huge but actually they are deliberately blown up
for details to be easily seen. [Mt. Hymittos, May 11, 2008]
The same effect has also been applied to the picture below.

301_9376 [Campanula celsii]
From Mt. Hymittos, May 11, 2009

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Nymphaea masaniello

DSCN0647 [Nymphaea masaniello]
Nymphaea masaniello is an aquatic, perennial flower
that produces large (up to 10cm wide), fragrant flowers that float on the surface of the water.
They bloom from early summer to early fall and for several days
they remain open in the day but they close and sleep at night.
Shooting wild flowers on the mountains is my irreplaceable hobby
but I also I find shooting ornamental flowers in gardens occasionally irresistible!
This was the case with water-lilies in “Diomides” botanical garden in Athens back in 2006.
They were beautiful to look at but unfortunately not easily accessible over the water for one to smell their fragrance!

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Acanthus mollis

IMG_2487 [Acanthus mollis]
A very common, perennial plant, native to Mediterranean countries.
It usually grows at low altitudes and forms colonies of plants
in uncultivated fields, stony scrub lands and roadsides.
IMG_2448 [Acanthus mollis]

804_0787 [Acanthus mollis]

 Its tall, erect stalk - usually 1-1.5m tall - and its beautiful, white flowers
probably explain why it is considered ornamental
and is hosted in many gardens.
804_0783 [Acanthus mollis]

 A close-up of the flower above to make details more visible.
Photographed in Holargos on May 28, 2023