Saturday, August 26, 2023

Salvia pomifera

804_0801 [Salvia pomifera]

An aromatic plant found from April to June on stony slopes and roadsides.
In Greece, it grows mainly on South mainland and the Aegean islands.
 Up to 1m tall
Photographed on Mt. Hymittos in 2023

Friday, August 18, 2023

Papilio machaon

801-9864 [Papilio machaon]
Papilio machaon - a common but beautiful butterfly - is resting
on a Phlomis fruticosa plant and collecting energy from the sun
so that she has enough “fuel” for the rest of the day.
Wingspan 70-80 cm
Flight period: February to November
804_0427 [Papilio machaon]
machaon’s caterpillar
Photographed on Mt. Hymittos in 2022

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Asphodelus fistulosus

804_0616 [Asphodelus fistulosus]

Asphodelus fistulosus thrives in any area with a Mediterranean climate.
It can be found as a common weed in pastures, roadsides and rocky areas of many countries of Europe, or as an invasive noxious weed with significant infestations in various parts of the USA
and other countries!
It is a short-lived perennial that usually reaches the height of 70 cm
and produces white flowers that open during daylight hours
and close at night or in low-light weather conditions.
Livestock avoid eating it,
so, undisturbed, it gradually occupies any available space in its habitat.
(See below).
3031636 [Asphodelus fistulosus]

 The pictures were taken at the foot of Mt. Hymittos on March 24, 2023.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Lepista nuda

304_0951 [Lepista nuda]

Lepista nuda is a very common mushroom that occurs in Autumn - 
rarely in early Spring - in parks, forests, gardens, roadsides, etc.
In some mushroom-related literature,
it is mentioned that it is edible and that it has a pleasant fragrant smell.
Between you and me … 
I have never tasted it and I will never do; I am sure you know why!
Photographed in Athens botanical garden at the foot of Mt. Egaleo.