Saturday, November 25, 2023

Solanum elaeagnifolium

ΙΜΓ_2728 [Solanum elaeagnifolim]   

This plant is a dense weed of maximum 1m in hight that originated from South America
and gradually spread to North America, Europe and other regions.
It has also acclimatized in southern mainland Greece.
It is a locally invasive species that grows in any dry open place available at low levels.


804_1197 [Solanum elaeagnifolium]
The plant blooms from May to November
and produces flowers of about 30 mm across.

804_1105 [Solanum elaeagnifolium]

The fruit is a small berry that becomes orange-yellow when it is ripe.
It is considered an ancestor of the “Tomato” that we so often use in our diet.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Crocus pallasii

303_0537 [Crocus pallasii]
Crocus pallasii is an Autumn crocus, with wide distribution
from West Asia to the Balkans.
In Greece, it used to grow locally on the Aegean islands of Chios, Samos and Lesvos
but, I hear, it has recently also been found in various spots of mainland Greece.
One of those spots is Mt. Hymittos where the above pictures were taken.
It flowers in rocky habitats at altitudes of 50 to 2000 m.
802_2175 [Crocus pallasii]

IMG_0540 [Crocus pallasii]

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Cynthia cardui

804_1061 [Cynthia cardui]
Cynthia cardui (also known as “Vanessa cardui”) is widespread all over Greece
where it flies from sea level to 2.500m in all sorts of habitats,
even in gardens and parks in domestic areas.
It is observed in two generations from March to November.
Every year, it migrates from North Africa and the Mediterranean basin
to Europe, West Asia and many more areas.
804_1066 [Cynthia cardui]

 Its wing span is about 55-60mm.
In the picture above, she is feeding on nectar from flowers.
It is one of those moments when she is usually oblivious of an observer
and provides a photographer a good opportunity to press the trigger on the camera.
Both pictured were taken on Mt. Hymittos on Oct. 20, 2023 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Crocus cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus

IMG_2814 [Crocus cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus]

This crocus is widespread and native to Southern and Western Greece,
including the Aegean and Ionian islands.
 It can be found in heights between 200 and 1800m,
from September to early December.
 When in bloom, it is pale to deep lilac-blue or white.
 Its leaves appear after flowering.
Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on Oct. 20, 2023
DSCN2880 [Crocus cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus]

With white tepals, from Mt. Parnitha