Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ophrys proimi

CCC1010-2 [Ophrys proimi (?)]

Τhis ophrys is posted under a temporary name as the plant has not been officially identified yet. Erotokritos Kalogeropoulos spotted the plant for the first time near Lavrio back in 2009 and has been studying and recording its features and behavior since then. As he has found strong evidence that it might be a new subspecies, he is about to publicize his findings. I express my appreciation for his early sharing with me the plant locations as well as his research on the subject.

Lavrio: 10/12/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

CCC0999 [Ophrys proimi (?)]

Lavrio: 10/12/2010, photo © Tony Taglides

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