Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Galanthus reginae-olgae

DDD_0646 [Galanthus reginae-olgae]

This beauty is found on Mt. Taygetos in the south of Peloponnese and is endemic to the island of Corfu. Recently it was discovered on Mt. Hymittos as well by my friend E.K. who was kind enough to share its position with me.

I greatly appreciate it, E.K !

Mt. Hymittos:  18/11/2012, photo by Tony Taglides


  1. Beautiful Tony !!! Now I must hunt the whole mountain ..........

    1. Thank you, Linda.

      It's worth doing the hunting, believe me. The joy of discovery will be immeasurable. But what am I saying now? You've already experienced that joy on Parnitha, so you know it's worth it.
