Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Micromeria acropolitana

8014746 [Micromeria acropolitana]

Micromeria acropolitana is a small (5-30 cm tall), rare, perennial plant endemic to the area of the Acropolis of Athens. It was first spotted and collected in 1906 by two French botanists during their visit to the Acropolis but the first scientific reference to the plant was made by the Austrian physician and botanist Halácsy in 1908. Ever after, lack of evidence for its existence convinced the experts that it had become extinguished but 100 years later the Greek biologist G. Tsounis and his son Lambros rediscovered it on the rocks of the Acropolis! The Greek flora list was enriched with a very rare and valuable addition.

A great many thanks to Mr. Tsounis and his son for their contribution!

8014372 [Micromeria acropolitana]

8014717 [Micromeria acropolitana]

Photographs were taken in the Acropolis area on April 26 and May 04, 2014.

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