Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shooting In and Out of Greece: A slide show

[Shooting In and Out ...: A Slide Show]

September 1, 2010 ---> September 1, 2015: Five years of blogging!
Five years of sharing my photos with friends from 116 countries throughout the world.
Tens of thousands of visits and hopefully growing!

I feel honored and appreciative.
A warm THANK YOU to each one of my guests
throughout the world.

You can watch the show in FULL SCREEN for a better view if you like.


  1. 5 years of memories summed up in 7 minutes... Simply amazing pictures from someone who calls himselfe an "amateur".
    You might be an amateur photographer but you are my professional dad...
    You make me very proud as always. Keep it UP!!!
    Love you Dad!!!

    1. Thank you son. Love you too, as you - I' m sure - know very well.

  2. What can I say... Beauty and sensitivity and nostalgia all combined in a wonderful journey! I'm sure all of your "fans", myself included, will make this journey again and again. I'm so lucky and proud to be your friend and to having been around when some of these pieces of art, and many more, were created! Don't stop!!

    1. When I prepare my camera for a click in the field, it's always the case that I have the blog in mind and a strong feeling that I'm clicking for my friends who visit it. Reading the above comment, I feel the burden of responsibility for the photographic outcome even heavier but who cares? It is for friends! Thank you, Rena. I'll do my best not to top! At least for as long as the laws of Nature favor my photographic activity.

  3. Ας μην πώ κοινοτυπίες στην επέτειο του blog(er) !!!
    μόνο : ευχαριστώ για την χαρά που μου δίνετε με την ανθρώπινη ζεστασιά που εκπέμπετε σ' αυτήν εδώ τη γωνίτσα...
    στην υγειά σας

    1. Μου έκλεψες τα λόγια pan koub. Η παρουσία των φίλων με ό,τι αυτή φέρνει μαζί της στο blog, κάνει αυτή τη γωνίτσα να είναι αυτό που είναι. Χωρίς εσάς το blog θα ήταν ένας "άνυδρος τόπος"! Ένα θερμό ευχαριστώ από την πλευρά μου και φυσικά ... στην υγειά μας!

    2. xαρά και υποχρέωση !
