Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cervus elaphus: A portrait

8021373 [Cervus elaphus: A portrait]

I was driving slowly along the road when I noticed this beauty standing by the road and looking at the car approaching her. I thought she would run away as I was getting closer but I proved wrong. I slowed down even more and eventually I stopped in front of her. To my amazement, she didn’t go. Instead, she kept staring at me through the open window. Was I a familiar face to her? Did she want to be photographed? I have no idea. I grabbed my camera [It’s always on standby] and took a couple of pictures of her as calmly as I could. When I finished, she was kind enough to accept a piece of cake I had put aside for an afternoon snack. An interesting encounter! 

Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on August 25, 2015

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