Thursday, April 14, 2016

Zeus or Poseidon?

8011966 [Zeus or Poseidon?]

A bronze statue of either Zeus or Poseidon. His exact identification as Zeus or Poseidon is controversial but the former is considered more probable. It was found in the sea of Cape Artemision, in northern Euboea. The god extends his left arm before his body, while holding a thunderbolt [or a trident if Poseidon] in his right hand. It is one of the few preserved original statues of the Severe Style, notable for the exquisite rendering of motion and anatomy; undoubtedly, the work of a great sculptor of the early Classical period (about 460 BC).

8012815 [Zeus or Poseidon? Detail]

 Both photographed within the National Archaeological Museum in Athens [here]
on January 18, 2014

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