Saturday, November 19, 2016

Full moon rolling down the hill

802_6637 [Full moon rolling down the hill]
The approach of an August full moon event always "activates an alarm" that reminds me to start photographic preparations to shoot the "romantic disc". This year was no exception. When time came, I entered coordinates to my GPS device and headed for my pre-selected "vantage point". Alas! I ended up 4 km away because I had carelessly entered the wrong coordinates! The moon was about to rise and I had no time for corrective action! The rest of the story was nothing but a frustrating situation that ended when I saw the moon rise behind the hill. Fortunately, I had already set up the camera on the tripod - in spite of the fact that I was at the wrong place - and had decided to wait and see where the moon would rise.

Outcome: two shots in my bag. [See the other one here.]
It seems that the saying "Every cloud has a silver lining" is true!

Photographed at Sounio on August 18, 2016


  1. Τι καλά που μπέρδεψες τις συντεταγμένες! Αν ακολουθούσες τις σωστές θα είχαμε χάσει αυτήν την εκπληκτική φωτογραφία...

    1. Ίσως η μόνη φορά που χάρηκα για ένα ... λάθος μου! Να είσαι πάντα καλά.
