Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Cathedral of Athens

802_6311 [The Cathedral of Athens 2]

An early evening shot of the Cathedral of Athens.

Please click on both pictures for a better view.

For more pictures and info about the Cathedral please click here.

Photographed on July 20, 2016


By the way, on the left, in the foreground one can see the statue of Archbishop Damaskinos [See below]: a prominent figure who, during the German occupation (1941-1944), assisted the people who suffered, defended their rights and freedom and opposed strongly to the persecution and holocaust of the Greek Jews.
He was a man of great courage who stood up against the German occupation authorities (1943) and said: “The members of the clergy of Greece may not be shot. They may only be hanged. I beg you to respect this tradition….” [Inscription can be seen at the back of the statue.]

802_6600 [Archbishop Damaskinos]

Photographed on August 18, 2016

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