Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ursa constellations

803_3342 [Ursa constellations]

Inspired by my High-School teacher of Physics some decades ago, I have developed the habit of looking at the stars at night whenever possible and enjoy finding constellations in the way he had shown us. On a short vacation in a small hotel on Mt. Vardousia and when everybody had left the roof garden opting for the warm bed around midnight, I was left alone to enjoy the starry sky. No lights anywhere. Only dark mountains around and the starry sky above. Shooting the stars seemed to me a good way to go.

Constellation stars were highlighted in processing to make Ursa Minor and Major prominent.

Please click on the pictures for a better view.

803_3351 [Milky way]

I was hardly done with shooting the constellations above when I turned South and noticed the Galaxy waiting patiently for me behind Mt. Vardousia. I moved my equipment for a few meters and took another shot. I love vacations on the mountains!

Both photographed on Mt. Vardousia on September 9, 2018


  1. Replies
    1. Το αποτέλεσμα μιας μαγικής βραδιάς που θα ήθελα να ξαναζήσω!
