Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sideritis raeseri subsp. attica

803_0204 [Sideritis raeseri subs.attica]

This is a rather unattractive view of Sideritis raeseri, a plant that grows wild on rocky mountain slopes at heights between about 1000-2000 m. It was shot at the end of September (2017) which means long after its flowering season. If it had been shot a month earlier, it would have been "naturally decorated" with plenty of yellow flowers (see below).

Sideritis is widely known throughout the country as ‘mountain tea’. People can collect about 17 different varieties on the Greek mountains and enjoy a fresh, aromatic and flavorful cup of tea (whether they prefer it cold or hot).

803_0065 [Sideritis raeseri subsp. attica]

803_0068 [Sideritis raeseri subsp. attica]

Both closeup pictures of the flower were taken
on Mt. Parnitha on September 5, 2017

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