Saturday, January 11, 2020

S. Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center

803-240 [SNFCC pano]

The new Greek Cultural Center in Athens, with its ease of access, beauty, diversity, novelty and tens of other reasons, offers itself as an irresistible photographic spot. Ideal, I might say, for amateur photographers who would like to experiment and improve their skills. One of my favorite spots!

On this spot, I often spend some relaxing time shooting panoramas. Occasionally, repeating the ones that failed! Why not? It’s free, enjoyable and educating! The above rectilinear panorama resulted from stitching 17 vertical pictures.

Photographed in Athens on October 02, 2019.

803_0286 [SNFCC pano]

 This is also a composition of 17 pictures but processed in a way that would produce a cylindrical panorama. I had never tried this process before but I thought the series of trees might yield an interesting result. So, I gave it a try.

Photographed in Athens on September 26, 2017.

Please click on both pictures to have a better view.


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