Saturday, September 5, 2020

Pancratium maritimum

801_6220 [Pancratium maritimum]

I consider Pancratium maritimum one of the most attractive plants in the Mediterranean countries.
Its large, pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers are of striking beauty and appear from July onwards.
Its leaves, contrary to most flowers, are green in winter but they get dry when the flowers appear.
302_9242 [Pancratium matitimum]
It grows from a bulb which is buried deep into the sand:
a fact that allows the plant to withstand the heat in the hottest months of the year.
IMG_8712 [Pancratium maritimun]
We rarely see single plants emerging from the sand.
Instead, we see it come out in clusters.
IMG_8674 [Pancratium maritimum]

IMG_8699[Pancratium maritimum]
The fruit of the plant.
All photographs were taken at Legrena on various summer dates over the last 3-4 years.

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