Saturday, November 7, 2020

Saint George and Saint Irene

Please click on the pictures for a better view. 
803_1101 [Saint George Papagou]

A Greek Orthodox church dedicated to Saint George and Saint Irene, found at the residential area of Papagos very close to the foot of Mt. Hymittos. It was opened to the public in 2011 but it was inaugurated in 2018. I found it architecturally attractive and photographically inviting, although it is very similar to many Greek Orthodox churches I had seen before.

803_1625 [Saint George Papagou]
The interior, however, is quite dissimilar to other churches. 
[If you want to see an example of a dissimilar church, please click HERE.]
What surprised me, however, were the stained-glass windows it is decorated with, which as far as I know, are not a common feature of Greek Orthodox churches.
Here follow four such windows:
803_1612 - 803_1611 [Kosmas + Damianos]

803_1614 + 803_1615 [Nektarios + Nikolaos]

All photographed on March 28, 2018

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