Saturday, April 3, 2021

Delichon urbicum

304_5205 [Delichon urbicum]
I love these little birds [12-13 cm]. Probably because their arrival in my country is asssociated with Spring, my favorite season.
Bird books report that every year Delichons leave South Africa and fly for more than 10.000 km over the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea to reach southern Europe at Spring time where they can enjoy favorable Spring weather conditions. Unfortunately, due to peculiar circumstances this year, I haven’t seen them around yet but I am sure they have come and have already started collecting mud to build their nests on house-walls in urban areas.
304_5208 [Delichon urbicum]
A Delichon at work: collecting mud for the nest.
Photographed at Oropos on April 06, 2015

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