Saturday, April 17, 2021

Orchis italica

801_3329 [Orchis italica]

Photographed on Mt. Parnitha on March 24, 2014 
803_8352 [Orchis italica]

 Photographed on Mt. Hymittos on April 03, 2021
This species of orchid is native, widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean countries. It can reach about 30 cm in height and is found solitary or in small colonies from April to May.
The Orchid family [Orchidaceae] to which it belongs is the second largest family of flowering plants and counts 18.000 members!
[Between you and me, according to my records, so far, I have photographed about 100 species.
If my math is correct, there are only 17.900 left to go! There is no reason for me not to be optimistic! Right?]

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