Saturday, January 15, 2022

Arctia festiva

803_5933 [Arctia festiva]
This 35mm long caterpillar kept moving carefree while I was taking the picture.
She was probably overconfident that her (ugly? hairy? repulsive? frightening?) look
that constitutes her defense mechanism against predators would protect her. 
803_5956 [Arctia festiva]
However, when a clumsy movement on my part disturbed her, she instinctively stopped,
curled up and remained motionless as shown above.

802_1040 [Arctia festiva]
When time comes, following a series of transformational steps,
she turns into this moth called Arctia festiva.
Photographed in Lavrio in March 2018

Clicking on the pictures you can get a better view if you like.

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