Saturday, July 29, 2023

Digitalis ferruginea

301_2879 [Digitalis ferruginea]
Digitalis ferruginea is a short-lived flower (usually 2-3 years)
found in South Europe and West Asia.
In Greece,it is present in most parts of the mainland
in habitats like open areas of forests and meadows in heights of up to 1500m.
It grows to 1.5m, blooms in July and produces rusty-colored flowers.
(Its name derives from the Latin word ferruginea that means “rusty colored”.)
If you ever see it and feel tempted to touch it,
please keep in mind that it may cause allergic reaction.
If you insist,
the use of gloves might be a good idea.
The picture was taken on Mt. Taygetos.
304_3138 [Digitalis ferruginea]
From Mt. Oiti

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