Sunday, July 2, 2023

Limodorum abortivum

803_8382 [Limodorum abortivum]

This striking plant is a Mediterranean species of a wild orchid at the beginning of its yearly life.
It first appears as a gray-purple, erect stem which will later produce 5-25 flowers
but no green leaves!
Instead of leaves, there appear numerous dark purple scales
wrapped all around the stem. 
803_6111 [Limodorum abortivum]
In Greece it is found throughout the country from April to July
in meadows, scrub and pine forests.
It may be solitary or in small groups of 1 to 4 plants and a height between 20 and 80cm.
This orchid is generally thought to be a saprophyte,
a plant that lives on decaying organic matter in the soil.
it may possibly be a parasite feeding on the tissues of living host plants.

803_6106 [Limodorum abortivum]

Each stem carries 5 to 25 whitish or blue-violet flowers
that are about 45mm across.

303_3026 [Limodorum abortivum]

304_2690 [Limodorum abortivum]

The pictures above were taken on Mt. Hymittos
and on Mt. Parnitha in years 2020 - 2022.

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