Saturday, October 14, 2023

Dactylorhiza saccifera

802_9255 [Dactylorhiza succifera]
Dactylorhiza saccifera is a widespread wild orchid
found in central and eastern Mediterranean regions. 
In Greece, it is found throughout mainland Greece, in Evia and in Peloponnese
on wet soils, like marshes, banks of streams, moist forests, etc.
A robust, tall plant. Up to 90 cm.
It flowers from June to August in heights up to 2200m.
The picture above was taken on Mt. Parnitha.
303_8632 [Dactylorhiza succifera]

From Mt. Dirfis in Evia
303_8636 [Dactylorhiza succifera]

 From Mt. Dirfis in Evia

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