Saturday, March 23, 2024

Anacamptis collina

IMG-0411 [Anacamptis collina]
Anacamptis collina is a widespread wild orchid
native to the Mediterranean countries and to West Asia.
 It grows in a variety of habitats, mainly in hilly areas, from low levels to 1300m.
Depending on weather conditions, it may appear in two consecutive periods;
In January and in March.Or it may not appear at all!
On the other hand, it may be a low flower in lower levels
or a tall, robust one in higher levels where it may reach the height of 40cm!
In Greece we find it sporadically from Central Mainland
down to Crete where it is more common.
The plant in the picture above is less than 20cm tall
and was photographed in the month of January at the foot of Mt. Egaleo in Attica.

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