Saturday, March 30, 2024

Lacerta trilineata

303_3414 [Lacerta trilineata]
Lacerta trilineata is the biggest species of Lacerta found.
The Balkan green lizard, as it is also called, typically ranges from 20 to 30cm in length,
including its tail which is often twice the length of the body.
In rare cases it may exceed 30cm.
It is found in the Southern Balkans (including Greece) and in some Greek Islands
in areas from sea level to high up the mountains
(Even higher than 1500 meters as is the case with Crete).
Coming across a lizard is always an impressive encounter.
It is very agile but it often stops, turns into a voluntary photographic model
and establishes eye-to-eye contact with you or with your photographic lens.
An unforgettable experience and often photographically rewarding!
Some consider it poisonous but it is totally harmless.
It was photographed on Mt. Parnitha.

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