Blog launched: November 10, 2009

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Season wishes

Xmas wishes 2019

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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Psittacula krameri

304_5098 [Psittacula krameri]

304_5107 [Psittacula krameri]

This parrot species mainly lives in the natural environment of Africa and South Asia but it has also been introduced into populated areas of Europe and The Middle East. Some of them seem to have reasons to like our garden as they visit it at least once a year.

Both of these pictures were taken from the balcony of my apartment

in Holargos on November 14, 2014

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tabanus sudeticus

302_7290 [Tabanus sudeticus]

Once upon a time
three of us were shooting wild flowers on a mountain. Suddenly, a swarm of Tabanus sudeticus started flying over our heads. Their buzz was frightening. Someone recognized the dangerous “flying objects” and shouted “They’re Tabanus! Get into the car”! All of us rushed into the car. I sat at the driver’s seat but the driver’s window was open. One of the insects landed on the door only a few inches away from my left shoulder. I remained still, almost petrified but the insect looked at me with a big green eye and said: “Don’t be afraid. I come in peace. Just take a picture of me and I’ll go.” I did. Fortunately, it kept its promise and we went on shooting happily ever after. [This starts and ends like a fairy tale but it's a true story!]

Tabanus sudeticus is a giant horsefly (body length about 25 mm) that bites painfully.

Photographed on Mt. Paggeo on June 05, 2010