Blog launched: November 10, 2009

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Ophrys mycenensis

801_9164 [Ophrys mycenensis]

Ophrys mycenensis is a beautiful wild orchid
endemic to Eastern Central Greece and to the Peloponnese
where it blooms with satisfactory populations from mid-February to early May.
Natural habitat: sparse bushy vegetation, low hills, pine forest gaps, brushwood. 
The picture was taken in Dilesi.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Paeonia mascula subsp. hellenica

301_9106 [{aeonia mascula hellenica]

One of the four species (peregrina, mascula, clusii and parnasica) growing in Greece.
Mascula grows in woodland clearings and rocky areas on heights of 400-1300m
on Mt. Parnitha, Mt. Taygetos and the islands of Andros and Evoia.
Its flowers are predominantly white and occasionally red.
The picture above was taken in Evoia.
For a flower in red and more hellenica pictures, please see an older post HERE.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Consolida hispanica

IMG_5596 [Consolida hispanica]
Consolida hispanica, with its characteristic dark violet flowers, 
is an annual, herbaceous plant found in the Mediterranean
and in many other areas of the world.
In Greece, it grows in any part of the country on heights of up to 800m.
It can become up to 1m tall.
It is also cultivated as an ornamental.
The picture was taken in Dilesi.