Blog launched: November 10, 2009

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Ophrys bombyliflora

303_6685 [Ophrys bombyliflora]

A very common Mediterranean Ophrys with a unique appearance.
It is short (5-15cm) and grows in heights of up to 900m
from February to May.
It prefers meadows, uncultivated fields and open forests
where it forms large populations.
This picture was taken on the Greek island of Andros. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Vinca major

801_9526 [Vinca major]
A common, evergreen plant that likes growing in the shade.
Its glossy leaves always grow in pairs
and the vibrant blue flowers spring from the joint.
Photographed at the foot of Mt. Parnitha

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Alcea rosea

801_5567 [Alcea rosea]
A biennial plant growing in a range of soils in the wild,
or in gardens where it is deliberately planted
for its impressive, wide flowers (about 15cm).
The plant can reach a height of 2.5m
and produce flowers in dark red, pink, white, yellow or orange.
The picture was taken on the Greek island of Evoia.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Serapias lingua

IMG_0030 [Serapias lingua]

A Serapias lingua: A wild orchid found in southern mainland Greece
from April to May.
Habitat: Meadows and scrub land on heights of up to 800m.
It was photographed on the island of Kea.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Colias crocea

302_6240 [Colias crocea]

Colias crocea: a common, intense-yellow butterfly that flies all over Greece.
It is observed in 2 or 3 generations from February to November
in almost any open habitat from sea level to 2500m.
It flies rapidly from flower to flower
and while it feeds, it is always on the alert,
never staying on the same flower for more than 4-5 seconds at a time.
While feeding, it always keeps its wings closed.
Wingspan: 45-50 mm
Photographed in Southern Peloponnese