Blog launched: November 10, 2009

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Fritillaria obliqua

301_7299 [Fritillaria obliqua]

Photographed in Evoia
301_6635 [Fritillaria obliqua]

 Photographed in Attica
Fritillaria obliqua is a rare wild flower endemic to Attica and Evoia
where it grows in very small populations.
Unfortunately, for various reasons it is threatened with extinction.
This is the reason why it is included
in the “Red Book of the Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece”
and is protected by Law.
It blooms from early February to early April
at altitudes from sea level to 1000 m.
mostly on rocky grounds with sparse bushy vegetation.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ferula communis

IMG_0935 [Ferula communis]
Ferula communis is a perennial plant
that grows on stony slopes and uncultivated areas
on altitudes of up to 600 m and blooms from March to June.
 It can grow more than 4 meters in height.
Its stem, that sometimes can be wider than 10 cm at its base,
is hollow and filled with a soft white substance
which – when it is set on fire – burns very slowly without a flame.
According to the Greek Mythology,
Prometheus took advantage of this property of the plant
to hide the fire when he stole it from Zeus
and brought it to the mortals.
IMG_0938 [Ferula communis]

The upper part of the plant above.
It was captured from a shorter distance
for details to be seen more clearly.
Photographed on Mt. Himittos
IMG_1109 [Ferula communis]

mature plants near Sounio
303_1858 [Ferula communis]
Focus on the flowers, also from Sounio