Blog launched: November 10, 2009

Saturday, July 6, 2024

A dragonfly

302_8427 [A dragonfly[
A dragonfly charging her batteries!
Her genus and species are not recognizable from the picture
due to the angle of shooting. Sorry.
By the way, did you know...
  • that more than 3,000 different species live on every continent of the world except Antarctica?
  • that dragonflies are the fastest flying insects, reaching a speed of 50–60 kph? 
  • that they can fly forward, backwards, sideways, they can hover or change direction very quickly? 
  • that their strikingly big eye actually consists of up to 5000 tiny cooperating eyes that allow her to see in front, below, and behind, all at the same time? 
  • that they have been around for 300 million years? 
  • that they eat other bugs, such as mosquitoes, midges, and spiders and they do not harm people? 
Photographed on Mt. Hymittos
If you’ve thought for a moment that I might be an expert on dragonflies,
please think again. I’m not!
I only came across this information while I was browsing the booklet:
 “Ask a bug” published by DK.

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