803_7883 mantis religiosa]
This insect is the most well-known of many similar mantids. It can be found in Central and Southern Europe. Adults reach 6-7 cm in length.
For those who are not familiar with it, it is worth to note that it is a fearsome predator.
It remains motionless and waits for other insects
to come close enough. Then, in a split-second it seizes them with its
powerful, spiny forelegs and enjoys its meal!
Although I have seen a mantis a number of times, I confess that this time I spent more time in looking carefully at the anatomy of its body rather than in taking the picture.
The widely spaced eyes on its triangular head seem to provide it with a wider field of view and allow it to strike with deadly accuracy, while the spines on the
forelegs make it almost impossible
for the prey to escape.