801_4877 [Campanula celsii]
Campanula celsii (subsp. celsii) is a biennial plant endemic to Attica (Greece)
and to the surrounding areas.
During the first year of its life, it develops a rosette of leaves at its base
and in the second year it develops its branches
with a plethora of violet tubular flowers of about 3cm in length.
It grows in crevices and gaps of rocks at heights from sea level to 700m
from late April to early July.
The picture was taken on Mt. Hymittos on May 06, 2014
801_4240 [Campanula celsii]
From Mt. Geraneia, April 12, 2014
801_4877 [Campanula celsii]
A rosette of base leaves as they have developed in the first year of the plant’s life.
From Mt. Hymittos, May 06, 2014
301_0588 [Campanula celsii]
The flowers here may seem to be huge but actually they are deliberately blown upfor details to be easily seen. [Mt. Hymittos, May 11, 2008]
The same effect has also been applied to the picture below.
301_9376 [Campanula celsii]
From Mt. Hymittos, May 11, 2009