804_1022 [Cyclamen graecum]
The genus Cyclamen includes about 15 species
that grow mainly in the Mediterranean regions at altitudes of up to 1200 m.
In Greece, specifically, there are 5 native species
with ‘graecum’ being the most prevalent in Southern Greece and the Aegean islands.
It grows particularly in rocky slopes and generally sun-exposed places
from September to November.
The flowers generally appear before the leaves and vary in color from white to pink.
I hope you don't mind my adding here something personal …
I love this flower and I know it loves me back!
What else could it probably mean the fact that whenever I approach it,
it welcomes me with the well-known, love-denoting, heart-symbol
that it forms with its leaves? 😊😊😊
(See below!)
801_1034 [Cyclamen graecum]
The pictures were taken on Mt. Hymittos