Blog launched: November 10, 2009

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dactylorhiza succifera

303_8631 [Dactylorhiza succifera]

303_8666 [Dactylorhiza saccifera]
Α closeup on its dense inflorescence that can reach as many as 150 flowers.
303_8671 [Dactylorhiza saccifera]
Dactylorhiza succifera is a very common orchid
that thrives in the central and eastern Mediterranean.
A tall and robust plant that reaches 90 cm.
It grows and blooms from June to August near streams with water
or in very wet soils at altitudes of up to 2200 m.
In Greece, it grows all over the mainland.
Photographed on Mt. Dirfis

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